Remembrance Verses

Looking for inspiration for the right words?  Take a look at our remembrance verses



With deepest sympathy

From …………

Fondest memories of


From ……………………...

With deepest sympathy and affectionate remembrance from ………………………………

Treasured memories of ………

My/our dear ……………………

From ………………………………

To ……………………..

With my/our fondest love

From ………………………….

In affectionate remembrance

of ………………………………..

a much loved ………………..

from …………………………….

With my/our sincere sympathy

Love from ………………………

With our heartfelt sympathy and fondest memories of …….

From ……………………………..

Always remembered

With fondest love from


Resting where no shadows fall

Perfect peace awaiting all

With love from ………………..

Without farewell you went to sleep, leaving memories we will always keep.

With love from ………………….

Gentle Jesus up above

Please send …………. all our love

From ………………………..


I/we know you are now cruising through peaceful waters

With love from …………………

To the love of my life

Night night and God bless

All my love

From …………………………….

This little bud so young and pure brought down to earthly doom,

Just came to show how sweet a flower in paradise will bloom.

With love from ………………

A bouquet of roses just for you

Sprinkled with teardrops instead of dew.

With love from ………………..

God will link the broken chain

As one by one we will meet again

With love from …………………..

Gentle smile, heart of gold

No better ……………….

Did this world hold.

With love from ……………………

Earth has one gentle soul the less,

And heaven one angel more

Love ……………………………

What the heart had once owned, it will never lose

I/we will love you always

From ………………………….

All our love is yours to keep

Carry it with you whilst you sleep

Love …………………………….

Silent thoughts, tears unseen

Wishing your absence was only a dream

With love ………………………

There is a bridge of memories from earth to heaven above.

It will keep you with us always

It’s called “The Bridge of Love”

Love ………………………………

I’ll always talk about you,

Think about you too

I’ll have so many memories

But I wish I still had you

Love ……………………….

God Bless …………………………..

Gently place a pillow Lord

To lay his/her head upon

Place a kiss upon his/her cheek

And tell him/her who it’s from

With love ………………………….

Fondest memories of …………

To be with you in the same old way

Would be my/our dearest wish today

Love ………………………………

There comes a time for all of us

When we must say goodbye

But memories of those we love

Live on and never die

Love …………………………….






It’s not what we write

Or what we say

It’s the love and the memories we hold dearly everyday

Love always ………………………

The tears in our eyes

Can be wiped away

But the pain in our hearts

Will always stay

Love always …………………….

God saw the rugged pathway

Was getting hard to climb

So he closed those weary eyelids

And whispered “Peace be thine”

Love ………………………….

In our hearts you will always stay

Loved and remembered every day

You would not wish for tears or fuss

But just to be remembered by all of us

With all our love …………………..

Those things shared with a loving wife

Are the things a man cherishes all the years of his life

Love …………………………….

Your smiling face

Your patience

Your heart of gold

These are the memories of you we hold

Love …………………………..

As sure as God’s word

Ne’er was broken

We shall meet with our loved ones again.

Love ………………………………….

Gone from us but not forgotten

Never shall thy memory fade

Sweetest thoughts will ever linger

Around the spot where thou art laid.

Love …………………………

To …………………………

If tears could build a staircase

And memories a lane

We/I would walk right up to heaven

And bring you home again

Love ……………………………

He left so quickly

His thought unknown

He left a memory

we are proud to own

Treasure him always

In your garden of rest

For when on earth

He was one of the best

Love ………………………..


We’ve had so many moments

Of laughter and caring

So many years of loving and sharing

So many times that were good to recall

So many memories

Happy ones all.

Love ………………………….

We miss your smile

Your lovely ways

With you we spent our happiest days

Cheerful and smiling always content

Loved and respected wherever you went


To my ………………………….

There is a hand I love to hold

A face I love to see

There is a voice I love to hear

That mean’s the world to me

There is a heart that understands

What I am dreaming of

And all of these belong to you

The wonderful ………….. I love

No one else could be for me

The special perfect blend

A man who’s strong but also

The most gentle, caring friend

No one else could understand

And know me like you do

No one else could be my love

No one else but you

With love …………………….

You always used to watch us

Anxious if we were late

In winter by the window

In summer by the gate

And though we mocked you tenderly

Who took such loving care

The long road home would seem more safe

Because you waited there





You’ve just walked on ahead of us

And we have got to understand

You must release the one’s you love

And let go of their hand

We try to cope the best we can

But we are missing you so much

If we could only see you

And once more feel your touch

With love …………………….

It was my greatest happiness

To send my life with you

Sharing trials and triumphs

Joys and problems too

These are the memories

That we/I hold of you

From your loving …………….

It was my greatest happiness

To send my life with you

Sharing trials and triumphs

Joys and problems too

I kissed you in the morning and held you close at night

To know we were together when days were grey or bright.

We shared all the little things

That made our daily life

This was my greatest happiness

To be your loving ……………….


If tears could build a staircase and memories a lane

I would walk right up to heaven and bring you back again

No farewell words were spoken

No time to say goodbye

You were gone before I knew it

And only God knows why

My heart still aches with sadness

As secretly my tears still flow

What it meant to lose you

No one will ever know